About Me
So how did the journey begin for me?
I became interested in alternative therapies in my early twenties and would go to my local centre where they would run workshops on everything, as well having the most amazing cafe and shop. The people there were amazing too! So for anyone that can remember it was "The Phoenix Centre" in Sudbury Suffolk UK. It made an impression on me that I am still on this path.
It hasn't been a straight path but one with many bends and u-turns as well quite a few steps backwards. But isn't that the fun of it?
I live on the Cumbrian Coast with my animals and family. From here I run my Holistic Practice as well as working in the Community as Mental Health Support Worker.
I run meditation workshops and in the past I have run the Inner Witch Workshops in Oxon. I still continue with the Goddess Workshops.
I am a Sekhem Reiki Master and Teacher which took me on a massive healing journey for my ancestors, which is another story.
What do I do in my spare time? Well being so close to the Lake District I love walking there, as well as the coast.
You will find some of my work in Ebook form as well as print.
Unleash You Inner Goddess. 10 Steps
Queen of the Four Fires
You can find me on Instagram @the.holistic.goddess
Facebook as Soulway Therapies
Member of the Complementary Medical Association
Holistic Goddess School of Training
Self Esteem​
Reduces Stress
Helps Insomnia
Ancestral Work
Past lives
Clears energy blocks
Self expression through Art
Health issues