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Helen E Dickinson

Holistic Therapist.
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Aromatherapy Massage
Pregnancy Massage

Massage with a personal blend of clinically pure essential oils.


Sekhem Reiki

Egyptian Reiki is a powerful form of reiki that transforms and removes blockages. A fabulous way to release tension and relax that is non-invasive.


Shamanic Goddess  Healing

Using a Celtic Form of Shamanism and the Goddess, the treatment involves a drumming journey to the otherworld and a healing session following the journey. It Releases past life issues, soul retrieval and ancestral work.


Holistic Treatments

A choice of treatments that include Hopi Ear Candling, Aura  and Chakra Cleansing, Meditation, Art Therapy, Tarot readings, Esoteric Consultation and Goddess Work

Therapy Sessions
My Approach

You will receive a free consultation to find the right treatment to suit your needs. This can mean that we will be using a blend of the treatments that I offer or just one of them. I believe that we all have the ability and the right to heal and the treatments that offer assist you on the healthy journey.

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About me

I have been in the Holistic Field since my early 20's. And during the last 30 years the journey has taken me on many paths. I have used the approach within the Care Sector as well as my private practise.

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